Thursday, September 9, 2010

Honokaa Renovation

by Jonathan

Honokaa is located on the Hamakua Coast forty mile north of Hilo. According to HAMAKUA'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER, one hundred years ago, the Honokaa Community was a Sugar Cane Plantation. Later on the years Honokaa evolved from a Sugar Cane Plantation to a suitable town. In recent days Honokaa has gone through numerous road renovations which have improved the safety of the roadways through the Honokaa town. Honokaa has been receiving an upgrade in it’s sewer main systems installed on the following streets, Plumeria, Lehua, Koniaka, Puakalo, Pakalana and Mamane. Businesses along Mamane, residences, Honokaa School and the Hawai’i Public Housing Authority facility will be able to connect to the new sewer once the treatment plant has been upgraded. Construction work for the upgrade of the treatment plant is expected to commence in October 2010. The first phase would be paving all county roads before school starts to avoid any inconvenience.

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